You can now:
•You can sit up all by yourself.
•You are SO close to crawling it’s scary!
•You love to eat. Your favorites are bananas, apples, strawberries, mango, blueberries, carrots, sweet potatoes, squash and green beans.
•You love to jump in the Jumperoo.
•Your favorite toy is your football.
•You love looking in the mirror.
•You talk all.the.time.
•You are super silly.
•You love to pull Maggie’s ears. You think it’s so funny when she jumps.
•You’re still in love with Lucy but you have been caught eyeing Samantha a few times.
•You’re a healthy, happy, handsome little boy and I couldn't love you anymore.
I can’t wait to see what the next you accomplish in the next 6 months!
Happy 6 months Brock! Can't believe he's growing up so fast!